Why is Microsoft making GitHub free for all teams?

Bryant Jimin Son
10 min readApr 16, 2020
Tada! GitHub is now free for all teams!

Wow, what surprising news. I can hear developers are screaming with joy from thousand miles away. Okay, I am maybe exaggerating. But I kid you not about internet communities getting all excited and sharing this news around globe in this very minute.

Ok… Dobby is not perhaps free, but GitHub is!

But why is Microsoft making such a bold move? If you followed the news about Microsoft, you should know this is not the first time that Microsoft made such a surprising move. Since the CEO Satya Nadella took the throne, he has been made numerous aggressive moves. His decision to switch the main business direction to the cloud computing was one, which turned out to be a huge smart Return On Investment (ROI). But Microsoft converting .NET framework to open source and introducing Windows Subsystems for Linux really made all the developers to gasp with such an unbelievable decision.

Microsoft converting its .NET framework to open source? Get out of here.

And in October 26, 2018, Microsoft decided to acquire GitHub for a lump sum of $7.5 billion USD. GitHub, being the largest software development version control service popular…



Bryant Jimin Son

A cloud practitioner talking about technology, travels & career tips. But I will sometimes cover financial advises and some random stuffs.